Freshman Interest Groups are only available in the fall term and enrollment is limited to new first-year students. FIGs provide a way for new students to connect with a group of students sharing similar interests. Registering for a FIG will place you and your fellow FIG participants in a set of classes that have a theme such as business or communication. Classes in each FIG cluster vary to meet a variety of student class registration needs.
Students should consult with their academic advisor before selecting or enrolling in a FIG.
What FIGs are available?
FIGS change from year to year. A list of FIG clusters available for fall will be posted on the FIG website in May, prior to the start of New Nole Orientation sessions.
To Enroll in a FIG follow these simple steps:
- Log into MyFSU Student Central (SC) and open Schedule Assistant.
- On the Plan Schedule page, click the Add Course button.
- On the Add Course page, click the Freshman Interest Groups tab.
- Use the drop down box to choose the FIG you want to enroll in. This list shows FIG titles (not section numbers).
- Select the FIG you would like to enroll in, then click on the Add button.
- Click Done button to return to Plan Schedule.
- Proceed through the registration steps in Schedule Assistant (adding additional classes, generating schedules, viewing schedule options, sending your favorite to the Shopping Cart, and finally clicking Register).
Note: You cannot add a FIG by searching for HUM1920 using the “By Subject” tab. This will not add all the courses in the FIG cluster to your schedule. Only use the Freshmen Interest Group tab to add a FIG to your schedule. If you were advised to take HUM1920 and provided the just the section #, consult Appendix C in It’s All Academic to find the full FIG title.
What is FIG Colloquium?
HUM 1920 FIG Colloquium is a small class facilitated by an highly trained and experienced undergraduate student, and it is designed to provide you a set of experiences that will introduce you to the academic culture at the Florida State University. The course is required to participate in a FIG, it meets weekly, and is 1-credit hour, S/U graded.
Can I drop a course from my FIG cluster?
Individual classes will not be dropped from the FIG cluster due to prior earned credit, so consult with an academic advisor to select an appropriate FIG given any earned or anticipated accelerated credit. Questions? Contact
I have a question that isn't answered here. What should I do?
You should talk with an academic advisor if you're attending Orientation or, you may contact the FIG program directly at: . Please use your FSU student email account.