It's All Academic Appendix - FIG

FIG enrollment for Fall 2024 is open. New students should review other Engage 100 course opportunities to discuss with their advisor. Visit the Engage 100 website for other courses offered in Fall 2024 and to view class section availability.


FIGs are only offered in the fall semester. FIGs satisfy a student’s Engage 100 requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to identify a FIG appropriate for their fall schedule. Individual courses in a FIG cluster cannot be dropped from the FIG, so students and advisors should carefully consider incoming accelerated or dual enrollment credit when making a FIG selection.

For Fall 2024, FIG offerings include: Business, Communication, Communication Science & Disorders, Criminology, Engineering, English, Entrepreneurship, Human Development & Family Sciences, International Affairs, Modern Language Studies, Neuroscience, Nursing, Political Science, Pre-Health, Pre-Law, Psychology, Social Science, Helping Professions & STEM.

This page contains details on available FIGs by major/academic theme, including course sections included in each FIG cluster, and step-by-step instructions on how to register for your selected FIG. Any full FIG cluster will be marked as full of the FIG cluster name.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, you may contact the FIG administrative staff at

To enroll for a FIG, follow these steps:

  1. Log into MyFSU Student Central (SC) and open Schedule Assistant.
  2. On the Plan Schedule page, click the Add Course button.
  3. Click on the Freshman Interest Groups tab on the Add Course page.
  4. Use the drop-down box to select the FIG you want to enroll in. Select the FIG you discussed with your academic advisor. Note: The list shows FIG titles (not section numbers).
  5. Click on the Add button. This will add the specific course sections in your FIG cluster as a group.
  6. Search for and add any additional classes you need for your fall schedule beyond those included in the FIG cluster. You should aim for 14-16 credit hours total.
  7. Click Done button to return to Plan Schedule.
  8. Proceed through the registration steps in Schedule Assistant (generate schedules, view schedule options, send your favorite schedule to the Shopping Cart, and finally clicking Register).


1 Business 1 HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  M 9:20AM-10:10AM


MAC2233 Calculus for Business TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
MAC2233 Calculus for Business Lab F 12:00PM12:50PM
ECO2023 Principles of Microeconomics TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CGS2100 Micro Applications for Business MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
2 Business 2 HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  10:40AM-11:30AM


   seat left 

MAC2233 Calculus for Business MW 3:05-4:20PM
MAC2233 Calculus for Business Lab  F 12:00PM-12:50PM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ECO2023 Principles of Microeconomics TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
3 Business 3  HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  T 10:10AM-11:00AM



STA2023 Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
ECO2013 Principles of Macroeconomics MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM
4 Business 4  HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  R 12:00PM-12:50PM


 Seats Left

MAC2233 Calculus for Business MW 1:20PM-2:35PM
MAC2233 Calculus for Business Lab F 9:20AM-10:10AM
ECO2013 Principles of Macroeconomics MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CGS2518 Spreadsheets for Business ONLINE ONLINE


5 Communication 1  HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  R 12:00PM-12:50PM


Seats Left

MAC1105 College Algebra MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
MAC1105 College Algebra lab R 1:20PM-2:10PM
REL1300 Intro to World Religion TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
6 Communication 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 3:05PM-3:55PM


Seats Left

ADV3008  Principles of Advertising  ONLINE ONLINE
CGS2060  Computer Fluency  MW 4:50PM-6:05PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
7 Communication 3 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 4:50PM-5:40PM


MMC2000  Intro to Mass Media  TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
IDS3164  Media, Culture & Environment  MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
MGF1130  Mathematical Thinking  MW 1:20PM-2:35PM
MGF1130 Mathematical Thinking Lab M 8:00AM-8:50AM
8 Communication Sciences and Disorders HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 4:50PM-5:40PM


Seats Left

SPA2001  Communication and Science Disorders TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
STA1013  Statistics Through Example MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM
9 Communication 5  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 12:00PM-12:50PM


IDS3164  Media, Culture & Environment  MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MMC2000  Intro to Mass Media  TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context TR 11:35AM-12:50PM


10 Criminology HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 4:50PM-5:40PM


ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CCJ2020  Intro to Criminal Justice MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM


11 Economics  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 11:35AM-12:25PM


 Seats Left

ECO2023  Principles of Microeconomics TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
STA2023  Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM


12 Engineering 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 3:30PM-4:20PM  


MAC2311  Calculus with Geometry 1 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MAC2311 Calculus with Geometry 1 Lab  R 3:05PM-4:20PM
EGN1004L  First Year Engineering Lab M 2:00PM-4:00PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 4:50PM-6:06PM
CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC T 1:00PM-1:50PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry 1 Lab  R 8:00AM-10:55AM
13 Engineering 2  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 5:05-6:00PM


MAC2312  Calculus with Geometry 2  TR 4:50PM-6:05PM
MAC2312 Calculus with Geometry 2 Lab M 4:50PM-5:40PM
EGN1004L  First Year Engineering Lab M 9:15AM-11:15AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM
CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 7:00PM-7:50PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry 1 Lab  R 8:00AM-10:55AM


14 English 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 3:05PM-3:55PM          14

 Seats Left

LIT2030  Intro to Poetry MW 4:50-6:05PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MGF1130  Mathematical Thinking  MW 1:20PM-2:35PM
MGF1130 Mathematical Thinking Lab M 9:20AM-10:10AM
15 English 2  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 3:05-3:55PM


 Seats Left

ENG2012  Intro to English Studies MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
LIT3383  Women in Literature  MW 4:50PM-6:05PM
MGF1130  Mathematical Thinking  MW 3:05PM-4:20PM
MGF1130 Mathematical Thinking Lab M 12:00PM-12:50PM


16 Entrepreneurship HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 1:20PM-2:10PM


Seats Left

CGS2518  Spreadsheets for Business ONLINE ONLINE
ENT2000  Intro to Entrepreneurship MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
STA2023  Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
17 Entrepreneurship - Retail HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 4:50PM-5:40PM


Seats Left


ENT2000  Intro to Entrepreneurship MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
STA2023  Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 1:20PM-2:35PM

Environmental Science 

18 Environmental Science  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 4:50PM-5:40PM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry 1 Lab  T 8:00AM-10:55AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry DSC T 12:00PM-12:50PM
MET1010  Intro to the Atmosphere MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
MAC1140  Precalculus Algebra TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
MAC1140 Precalculus Algebra Lab  W 9:20AM-10:10AM

Help Professions 

19 Help Professions  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 3:20PM-4:20PM


Seats Left

SYG2010  Social Problems  ONLINE ONLINE
SOP3004  Social Psychology  MW 3:05PM-4:20PM
SOW3203  Social Work Profession MW 1:20PM-2:35PM

Human and Family Development Sciences 

20 Human and Family Development  HUM1920 FIG Colloquium  R 8:00AM-8:50AM


Seats Left

CHD2220 Child Growth and Development MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
FAD2230 Family Relationships and Life Development TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
STA2023 Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM

International Affairs

21 International Affairs 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 12:00PM-12:50PM


Seats Left

CPO2002  Intro to Comparative Government and Politics TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
CGS2060  Computer Fluency  MW 4:60PM-6:05PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
22 International Affairs 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 5:05PM-6:00PM


Seats Left

INR2002 International Relations TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
IDS3197  Responses to the Holocaust MW 1:20PM-2:35PM
ENC2135 Research, Genre and Context MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM

Modern Languages 

24 Italian  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 3:30PM-4:20PM


Seats Left

ITA1120  Elementary Italian 1  MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
ITT3114  Dante's Inferno TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ITT3523 Italian Cinema TR 4:50PM-7:50PM(T) 4:50PM-6:50PM (R)


26 Neuroscience 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 12:00PM-12:50PM


Seats Left

CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 T 8:00AM-10:55AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 6:00PM-6:50PM
MAC1114  Analytic Trigonometry TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
MAC1114 Analytic Trigonometry Lab  M 4:50PM-5:40PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
27 Neuroscience 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 4:50PM-5:40PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC R 10:15AM-11:15AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 T 2:20PM-5:05PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
ANT2000  Intro Anthropology MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM


28 Nursing 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 9:20AM-10:10AM


 Seats Left

MAC1105  College Algebra MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MAC1105 College Algebra Lab  T 8:00AM-8:50AM
BSC2010  Biological Science 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
BSC Biological Science 1 DSC W 4:45PM-5:45PM
FAD3320  Individual and Family Life Span Development TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
29 Nursing 2  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 10:40AM-11:30AM


STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF  9:20AM-10:10AM
HUN1201  Science of Nutrition TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
FAD3320  Individual and Family Life Span Development MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 8:00AM-9:15AM

Political Science 

30 Political Science 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 9:20AM-10:10AM


Seats Left

PAD3003  Public Administration in American Society MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 4:50PM-6:05PM
PHI2100  Reasoning and Critical Thinking TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
31 Political Science 2  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 8:00AM-8:50AM


Seats Left

PUP3002  Intro to Public Policy ONLINE ONLINE
SYG2010  Social Problems  TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
REL3178  Religion and Law TR 9:45AM-11:00AM

Pre Health 

32 Pre Health 1  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 5:05PM-6:00PM


  Seats Left

HUN1201  Science of Nutrition TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
PSY2012  General Psychology  MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
33 Pre Health 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 8:00AM-8:50AM


HUN1201  Science of Nutrition MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
34 Pre Health 3  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 10:10AM-11:00AM


  Seats Left

PSB2000  Intro to Brain and Behavior MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
PSY2012  General Psychology TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
35 Pre Health 4 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 4:50PM-5:40PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 M 1:20PM-4:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 3:00PM-4:00PM
PHI2535  Bioethics TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
36 Pre Health 5 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 12:00PM-12:50PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 W 12:20-3:05PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 4:50PM-5:50PM
PHI2635  Bioethics ONLINE ONLINE
CHD2220  Child Growth and Development TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
37 Pre Health 6 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 11:35AM-12:25PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 W 9:05AM-11:50AM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC  T 4:50PM-5:50PM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
38 Pre Health 7 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 4:50PM-5:40PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 F 11:15AM-2:00PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 6:00PM-7:00PM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
39 Pre Health 8 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 8:00AM-8:50AM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 W 8:00AM-10:45AM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 4:50PM-5:50PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
40 Pre Health 9 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 12:00PM-12:50PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 T 5:35PM-8:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 3:00PM-4:00PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
PHI2635  Bioethics ONLINE ONLINE
41 Pre Health 10 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 12:00PM-12:50PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 R 2:20PM-5:05PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 3:00PM-4:00PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
42 Pre Health 11 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 3:05PM-3:55PM


  Seats Left

BSC2010   Biological Science 1 TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 W 3:335PM-6:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 6:00PM-7:00PM
MAC1105  College Algebra MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
MAC1105 College Algebra Lab T 11:35AM-12:25PM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
ANT2511  Intro to Physical Anthropology MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
43 Pre Health 12 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 4:50PM-5:40PM


BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 F 8:00AM-10:45AM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC R 10:15AM-11:15AM
MAC1140  Precalculus Algebra TR 3:05-4:20PM
MAC1140 Precalculus Algebra Lab W 8:00AM-8:50AM
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
44 Pre Health 13 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 9:45AM-10:35AM


 Seat Left

BSC2010  Biological Science 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 R 3:35PM-6:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC W 4:45PM-5:45PM
MAC1114  Analytic Trigonometry TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
MAC1114 Analytic Trigonometry Lab M 3:05PM-3:55PM
SYG2010  Social Problems  ONLINE ONLINE
45 Pre Health 14 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 10:10AM-11:00AM


 Seats Left

BSC2010  Biological Science 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 M 5:35PM-8:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC W 4:45PM-5:45PM
MAC2311  Calculus with Geometry 1 MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
MAC2311 Calculus with Geometry 1 Lab R 8:00AM-9:15AM
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
FAD3320  Individual and Family Life Span Development MWF 1:20PM-2:35PM
46 Pre Health 15 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 3:30PM-4:20PM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 R 8:00AM-10:55AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 2:00PM-2:50PM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
47 Pre Health 16 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 9:20AM-10:10AM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 T 2:00PM-4:55PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 5:00PM-5:55PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
CLT2049  Medical Terminology ONLINE ONLINE
48 Pre Health 17 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 10:40AM-11:30AM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 W 2:30PM-5:25PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 6:00PM-6:50PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
PHI2635  Bioethics TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
DEP3103  Child Psychology TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
49 Pre Health 18 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 9:45AM-10:35AM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 R 8:00AM-10:55AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC T 3:00PM-3:50PM
MAC1140  Precalculus Algebra TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
MAC1140 Precalculus Algebra Lab W 10:40AM-11:30AM
FAD2230  Family Relationships and Life Development MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
50 Pre Health 19 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 4:50PM-5:40PM


  Seats Left

CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 W 2:30PM-5:25PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC T 12:00PM-12:50PM
MAC1114  Analytic Trigonometry TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
MAC1114 Analytic Trigonometry M 3:05PM-3:55PM
FAD3320  Individual and Family Life Span Development TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
51 Pre Health 20 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 5:05PM-6:00PM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 W 2:30PM-5:25PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC T 2:00PM-2:50PM
MAC2311  Calculus with Geometry 1 MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
MAC2311 Calculus with Geometry Lab 1  R 8:00AM-8:50AM
PHI2635  Bioethics ONLINE ONLINE
FAD2230  Family Relationships and Life Development ONLINE ONLINE
52 Pre Health 21 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 8:00AM-8:50AM


  Seats Left

CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 T 8:00AM-10:55AM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 5:00PM-5:50PM
MAC2312  Calculus with Geometry 2  TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
MAC2312 Calculus with Geometry 2 Lab M 12:00PM-12:50PM
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
53 Pre Health 22 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 8:00AM-8:50AM


CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 W 2:30PM-5:25PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 3:00PM-3:50PM
MAC2311  Calculus with Geometry 1 MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
MAC2311 Calculus with Geometry 1 Lab R 1:20PM-2:35PM
REL3145  Gender and Religion TR 9:45AM-11:00AM

Pre Law

54 Pre Law 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 10:40AM-11:30AM


  Seat Left

REL3178  Religion and Law TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 4:50PM-6:05PM
MAC1105  College Algebra MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
MAC1105 College Algebra Lab R 3:05PM-3:55PM
PHI2630  Ethical Issues and Life Choices TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
55 Pre Law 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 9:45AM-10:35AM


  Seats Left

URS1006   World Cities  ONLINE ONLINE
AMH2097  Nationality, Race, and Ethnicity in the U.S. TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
HUM2020  The Art of Being Human MW 4:50PM-6:05PM
STA2023  Fundamental Business Statistics MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
56 Pre Law 3 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 10:40AM-11:30AM


  Seats Left

PAD3003  Public Administration in American Society TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
REL2121  Religion in the United States TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
PHI2010  Intro to Philosophy MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
SYG2010  Social Problems  TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
57 Pre Law 4  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 4:50PM-5:40PM


  Seats Left

PUP3002  Intro to Public Policy TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
IDS3197  Responses to the Holocaust MW 1:20-2:35PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
58 Pre Law 5 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 4:50PM-5:40PM


  Seats Left

PUR3000  Intro to Public Relations  TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
REL3178  Religion and Law TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
AMH2020  A History of the United States Since 1877 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM


59 Psychology 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 10:40AM-11:30AM


 Seats Left

BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 9:45AM-11:00AM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 W 2:20PM-5:05PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC T 3:00PM-4:00PM
SOP3004  Social Psychology  TR 4:50PM-6:05PM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
60 Psychology 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  M 8:00AM-8:50AM


  Seats Left

MAC1105  College Algebra MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MAC1105 College Algebra R 3:05PM-3:55PM
PSB2000  Intro to Brain and Behavior MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 3:05PM-3:55PM
SYG2010  Social Problems  TR 1:20PM-2:35PM
61 Psychology 3 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 9:45AM-10:35AM


  Seats Left

BSC1005  General Biology Non-Majors MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
BSC1005L  General Biology Lab for Non-Majors T 8:30AM-10:25AM
MAC1105   College Algebra MWF 8:00AM-8:50AM
MAC1105 College Algebra Lab R 1:20PM-2:10PM
PSY2012  General Psychology TR 4:50PM-6:05PM
62 Psychology 4 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  R 5:05PM-6:00PM


  Seats Left

ANT3610  Language and Culture MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
STA2122  Intro to Applied Statistics  MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
SOP3004  Social Psychology  TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
DEP3103  Child Psychology TR 1:20PM-2:35PM

Social Science

63 Social Science  HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 10:40AM-11:30AM


  Seats Left

URS1006  World Cities  ONLINE ONLINE
POS1041  American Government: National TR 9:45AM-11:00AM


64 STEM 1 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 4:50PM-5:40PM


  Seats Left

MAC1140  Precalculus Algebra TR 3:05PM-4:20PM
MAC1140 Precalculus Algebra Lab W 12:00PM-12:50PM
BSC2010  Biological Science 1 TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
BSC2010L  Biological Science Lab 1 M 3:35PM-6:20PM
BSC2010 Biological Science 1 DSC R 10:15AM-11:15AM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
65 STEM 2 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  F 9:20AM-10:10AM


  Seats Left

CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 12:00PM-12:50PM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 M 2:30PM-5:45PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC T 3:00PM-4:00PM
HUN1201  Science of Nutrition TR 11:35AM-12:50PM
PSY2012  General Psychology TR 6:35PM-7:50PM
66 STEM 3 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  W 12:00PM-12:50PM


MAC2311  Calculus with Geometry 1 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
MAC2311 Calculus with Geometry 1 Lab R 9:45AM-11:00AM
CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 9:20AM-10:10AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 T 2:00PM-4:55PM
CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 DSC M 12:00PM-12:50PM
ENC2135  Research, Genre and Context MWF 1:20PM-2:10PM
67 STEM 4 HUM1920  FIG Colloquium  T 4:50PM-5:40PM


  Seats Left

MAC2312  Calculus with Geometry 2  TR 8:00AM-9:15AM
MAC2312 Calculus with Geometry 2 Lab M 8:00AM-8:50AM
CHM1045  General Chemistry 1 MWF 10:40AM-11:30AM
CHM1045L  General Chemistry Lab 1 T 11:00AM-1:55PM
CHM1045 General Chemistry 1 DSC M 2:00PM-2:50PM
COP3014  Programming 1 MW 4:50-6:05PM
COP3014 Programming 1 DSC R 4:50PM-5:40PM